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Beginner Typing - Lesson 1

LEARN TYPING TESTIMONY:  "I am new to computing and have never learned typing so have found it quite difficult to remember where the letters are. I have been searching for a suitable method to learn to type easily as I want to type up my life story. Suddenly I found yours and it's just what I need. I'm progressing slowly but surely so thank you so much." 


You will save yourself a lot of frustration if you start right. 

Place your fingers in a curved shape and tap them on the table like little hammers as a finger strengthening exercise 1234 1234 – first one hand a few times, then the other hand.
Now we will transfer this pattern to the keyboard.

Use your thumb (NOT a finger) to tap once on the space bar after each pattern/word or sentence.

TO START, click in the yellow text box below the exercise you want to practice. To move down text boxes on the screen, press the TAB key or scroll with your mouse and then click inside the text box.  
At first, type a whole line without stopping.  Then look through for any mistakes.  Other times you could make corrections as you type.
To repeat a line, click at the end of your typed line then hold the Backspace key till it deletes what you have typed, then retype the line.  To do a whole page again, click the "Refresh" button on your browser or open this page again from the website menu. 

Left Hand

asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf
fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa

Right Hand

jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl;  
;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj 

Both Hands  
fd fds fdsa jk jkl jkl; fd fds fdsa jk jkl jkl; fd fds fdsa jk jkl jkl;
Flex your fingers to loosen them.
Notice the two keys G and H in the centre of the keyboard. Sit so that these are in front of the centre of your body

Use fingers as shown

Keeping your fingers over the two sets of four keys we just practised - stretch your index fingers across to G & H (left hand for "G" and right hand for "H") and type the following:

Keeping your fingers over the two sets of four keys we just practised - stretch your index fingers across to G & H (left hand for "G" and right hand for "H") and type the following:

Both Hands

gh gh gh gh gh gh gh gh gh gh gh gh gh

Stretch your Left index finger up/out to T (look on the keyboard) and type:
th th th th th th th th ght ght ght ght ght ght ght
Follow the colours and finger numbers in the next chart to practise lines of each pattern or word of the following. Visualise where the letter keys are and use the fingers shown.

Left Hand
deed frrf deer reed red deed frrf deer reed red deed frrf deer reed red
free freed fred feed fed free freed fred feed fed free freed fred feed fed

Right Hand
juuj kiik juj kik juuj kiik juj kik juuj kiik juj kik juuj kiik juj kik

Both Hands 
juut jut jute kiit kit kite juut jut jute kiit kit kite juut jut jute kiit kit kite
jud judder jug jugger judge judged juud judder jug jugger judge judged
igh high thigh ight fight right fright igh high thigh ight fright right fright

Flex your fingers again and your shoulders. Tap the table drill 1234 1234
Try the asdf asdf and jkl; jkl; again for a line. 
Enter text in the box below.

Want to download some great typing software? We recommend Ultimate Typing.
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